Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nature laws rules - even if PVC lobbyists corrupts the Commission

There is an increasing number of standards, tools, institutions, legislations etc that deals with environmental issues. Some of them are used with good intentions, but any of them can be misused very easily too.
Many of the bad guys, eg nuclear power plants, manufacurers of brominated flame retardants etc. are the first one to be certified with ISO 14001. From my point of view this is nothing else than greenwash. But the smartest and the most successful action of greenwash I ever have seen, is the "LCA of PVC and of Principal Competing Materials" comissioned by the European Commission, 2004.

I dont know how the PVC industry succeeded to take the control over the commissions work, but the outcome was a hughe report with a confusing rationale and invalid conclusions without any qualified scientific review and opposition. So, the the conclusion of the inconclusive report from the PVC industry was: "PVC is not worse than any other material". Wonderful! It is like when somebody says "I do not understand how to see the differences between a good and a bad horse, so all horses must be equal"!!

I could make this evalution much cheaper and shorter. All manufacturing, recycling, incineration processes are inherently associated to the formation och POPs, more or less. As long as we allow this material, the earth will accumulate persistent byproducts i.e dioxins. This is unsustainable according to system condition no 2, because this is according to the nature laws. The nature is not negoiatable in this perspective.